
January 17, 2018/slicata

If you’ve gotten off track with your New Year’s resolution, this is exactly what you need to do, too! Stop expecting yourself to do everything and instead figure out what feels completely doable this week. Recommit to it, do it (and give yourself so much credit for doing so!), and then add one or more things next week.

Getting Weekends Under Control

January 3, 2018/slicata

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December 20, 2017/slicata

Not having a strong plan can exponentially increase the chances of getting off track because of how many spontaneous decisions you’ll have to make all day.

Vacation Plan – Part 2: A Realistic Strategy

December 12, 2017/slicata

A realistic strategy is the most important thing to bring on vacation. Eric lists the Sabotaging Thoughts and responses to help him stay on track.

Vacation Plan – Part 1: Is it worth it?

November 29, 2017/slicata

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Planning a Trip Overseas

October 10, 2017/slicata

Make a reasonable vacation plan and stay committed to being in control. You’ll feel successful throughout your trip and enjoy new, exciting foods.

Dealing with Bereavement

September 27, 2017/slicata

Recently, my client Jeff’s mother passed away. While she had been sick for a while, her death was still somewhat […]

Making a Plan

September 20, 2017/slicata

Creating a plan allows you to eat a reasonable amount, enjoyed the food you eat, and feel proud of yourself for making healthy decisions. Learn what Kate could have done before attending a potluck dinner to make a helpful plan for her eating.

Confessions of a Diet Coach

September 5, 2017/slicata

I use the skills in the Beck Diet Program for myself as well. After I graduated college I lost weight and more or less kept it off in the ensuing 12 years. On January 30th of this year, I had my daughter, Diana, and things changed. You might think that since this is what I do for a living I’d have an easy time returning to my healthy eating habits – and that’s what I thought, too.  But, boy was I wrong!