Author: mhayes
May 23, 2019/mhayes
When Kate started working on the skill of eating slowly and mindfully, for the first time in a very long time she told me she realized that not all food tasted as good as it looked or tasted as good as she thought it would taste.
May 23, 2019/mhayes
Think Thin Thursday Tip: If you have the urge to just eat and eat and eat, remember – while doing […]
May 22, 2019/mhayes
Wednesday Sabotage: Life is too short, so I’m just going to eat this even though I know I shouldn’t. Response: […]
May 21, 2019/mhayes
Tuesday Reality Check: We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: there’s no such thing as “blowing it” for […]
May 20, 2019/mhayes
Monday Motivation: You might not always have control over what food is served to you, but you always, always have […]
May 17, 2019/mhayes
Friday Weekend Warm-up: This weekend, make sure you continue to read your Advantages List and your Response Cards. Continually remind […]
May 16, 2019/mhayes
Think Thin Thursday Tip: Sometimes dieters give in to the sabotaging thought, “I just don’t care.” If this is you, […]
May 15, 2019/mhayes
Wednesday Sabotage: I can’t believe I gave in to that craving. I can’t do this. I should just give up. […]
May 14, 2019/mhayes
Tuesday Reality Check: Don’t compare your eating to anybody else’s. No one else is exactly your height/weight/activity level WITH your […]
May 13, 2019/mhayes
Monday Motivation: It’s important to keep in mind that dieting and losing weight is SUPPOSED to get hard from time […]