Sue is still afraid that if she eats something wrong, she’ll lose control and not be able to get back in control. We had the following discussion:

Sue: I’m just afraid that one false step will be the beginning of the end.

Dr. Beck: How many times in the past few months have you taken a false step?

Sue: A fair number, I guess.

Dr. Beck: And how many times did you start on the path of serious weight gain?

Sue: Never.

Dr. Beck: And why is that?

Sue: Well, it’s because I’m learning to see something as an isolated mistake. I’m learning how to get back on track right away. I’m still motivating myself by reading my list of reasons to lose weight. And other stuff.

Dr. Beck: That’s exactly right. It’s because you now know exactly what to do when you stray, and you know how to get yourself to do it.

Sue and I agreed that she needed to keep track of all the instances in which making one mistake did NOT lead to her losing control. We also agreed that this month, Sue would reread The Beck Diet Solution. She plans to take notes in the margins about what she can do if there ever does come a time when she starts to gain weight back.

This exercise will serve as a good reminder for Sue that all the skills she needs to stay on track are there in black and white, for her whole life. I think this will also provide her with a good measure of relief.