Over the last few months, Melissa has noticed that she’s experienced a big shift in her thinking.  When she used to eat at restaurants during previous attempts to diet, she always viewed it as an opportunity to eat a lot and not really think about her diet.  She said she used to think that ordering something like a salad was both a waste of money and a waste of the restaurant experience.  She was fooling herself, telling herself things like, “It’s ok to go off my diet because I’m at a restaurant.  Everyone else is eating this way” (discussed on Day 19 of The Beck Diet Solution). 


Melissa finally began to realize, however, that she couldn’t use eating at a restaurant as an excuse to go off her diet or she wouldn’t lose weight and keep it off –  she can’t have it both ways! Melissa came to terms with the fact that she’d rather be thinner than eat extravagantly at restaurants (Day 30).  Melissa ate out twice last week, ordered salads both times, and feels great about it.