Consider A New Manager

March 31, 2022/emattson

Over the course of our work together these past few months, my client, Jason, has slowly been realizing that he’s […]

Hair Trigger Hopeless/Helpless Mode 

March 8, 2022/mhayes

In session this week my client, Katy, told me she was having a tough time. She had a stressful work […]

Honeymoon Phase Eating

November 19, 2021/Other

When I first started working with my client Jeff, he was feeling somewhat out of control of his eating. He […]

Shoulds and Shouldn’ts

October 22, 2021/Other

One of the most important skills we work on with all our clients is giving themselves credit. Every time a […]

Doing Your “Best”

September 24, 2021/Other

There’s Still Time to Join Us in Our Advanced CBT Strategies for Weight Management Webinar Series! Registration for our first […]

Off-Track Mentality

August 27, 2021/Other

A few months ago, my client Jess was struggling. She had a sick family member, a stressful work period, and […]