Lots of exciting things are happening here with The Beck Diet Solution.  This has been an especially big day for us!  We were so excited to be on the Today Show this morning, especially because the segment had a few shots of the entire group.  The reporter also went home with one of our dieters, Maria, and filmed her at home with her family.  Maria looked wonderful and was so articulate!

We were also on NPR’s Morning Edition today and it was great to hear our dieter, Lori, talk about how she is able to work planned indulgences into her diet (Day 2 of The Beck Diet Solution).

The Beck Diet Solution is also starting to gain a following on the web.  Several people have blogs devoted to following the Beck Diet Solution Program and they write about their experiences daily.  You can check out these dieters’ experiences, too:

My Pet Fat

Southern Fried Fatty

Cup of Stars

We’ve been getting lots of positive feedback from the Newsweek, O—The Oprah Magazine, and other magazine articles, and we are so pleased that the book is starting to reach (and hopefully help!) lots and lots of people.