Author: mhayes
April 10, 2020/mhayes
Friday Weekend Warm-up: You will likely have lots of opportunities to strengthen your resistance muscle (and simultaneously weaken your giving-in […]
April 9, 2020/mhayes
Think Thin Thursday: Being accountable for your actions is a critical part of successful weight loss because it enables you […]
April 9, 2020/mhayes
As I help my clients navigate this unsettling time, one major topic of discussion has been helping people learn to […]
April 8, 2020/mhayes
Wednesday Sabotage: I just want to eat without consequence. Response: Oh, well! I don’t like that I can’t eat without consequences […]
April 7, 2020/mhayes
Tuesday Reality Check: How do you feel physically after you eat a big, fattening meal? How do you feel physically […]
April 6, 2020/mhayes
Monday Motivation: It’s a new month, so it may be time to set some new goals. By the end of […]
April 3, 2020/mhayes
Friday Weekend Warm-up: This weekend, consider the rule of one: One serving at meals, one scoop of ice cream for […]
April 2, 2020/mhayes
Think Thin Thursday: Make sure you have a healthy, fast snacks readily available. If you do, chances are high you’ll […]
April 1, 2020/mhayes
Wednesday Sabotage: Eating this [unhealthy food] will help me feel better. Response: Nope! Eat better, feel better. Period.
March 31, 2020/mhayes
Tuesday Reality Check: Just because you’re alone/nobody is watching you eat something doesn’t mean the calories don’t count. Whether you’re […]