Author: mhayes
May 10, 2019/mhayes
Friday Weekend Warm-up: Old habits are hard to break and easy to slip back into. This is why in dieting […]
May 9, 2019/mhayes
Think Thin Thursday Tip: There’s a difference between physical satisfaction and psychological satisfaction. If you’ve eaten a reasonable portion of […]
May 9, 2019/mhayes
This week I had a session with my client, Lauren. Lauren told me that while she had a good week, one day she ended up going way over her allotted calories.
May 8, 2019/mhayes
Wednesday Sabotage: I can’t believe I gave in to that craving. I can’t do this. I should just give up. […]
May 7, 2019/mhayes
Tuesday Reality Check: It’s important to separate eating from exercise. Exercise to be physically and mentally healthy, not so that […]
May 6, 2019/mhayes
Monday Motivation: Remember, it’s a give and take. In giving up some food, some of the time, you’re getting all […]
May 2, 2019/mhayes
Think Thin Thursday Tip: There are so many good (free!) apps and websites out there to help you work on […]
May 1, 2019/mhayes
Wednesday Sabotage: I’m so angry; I’m going to eat to make this feeling go away. Response: While eating might temporarily […]
April 30, 2019/mhayes
Tuesday Reality Check: We find that for most dieters, motivation is cyclical. Sometimes they feel very motivated, and other times […]
April 29, 2019/mhayes
Most dieters get to the point where they leave events and feel good about what they didn’t eat, not deprived. […]