Author: mhayes
June 21, 2019/mhayes
Friday Weekend Warm-Up: If you’re going to a party or event this weekend and think, “There’ll be so much good food there I won’t be able to resist,” remind yourself, “If I was a vegetarian and all the food had meat in it, I definitely WOULD resist, no question. I may not want to resist, but I know I can.”
June 20, 2019/mhayes
Think Thin Thursday Tip: When dieters tell us, “I had a really hard week,” we ask them, “was it hard for every single hour of every single day?” The answer is always, “no.” Don’t let the memory of several hard times influence your perception of the week as a whole.
June 19, 2019/mhayes
Wednesday Sabotage: I’m exhausted, but I’m at work so I can’t sleep. I’ll eat to give me energy.
Response: Even though I feel exhausted, it doesn’t mean I can’t push through and still get my work done. If I eat every time I feel tired, it’s likely I won’t be able to lose weight. Which would I rather be: Overweight AND tired, or just tired?
June 18, 2019/mhayes
Tuesday Reality Check: If you think, “My life is so busy, I just don’t have the time to diet correctly,” remind yourself, “I don’t have time because I’m not making time. If I had to get dialysis every morning, I would make the time for it NO MATTER WHAT. Dieting takes a lot of time in the beginning, so I have to make it a top priority or it will not happen. As it gets easier, it will take less and less time – it’s all a matter of priorities.”
June 14, 2019/mhayes
Friday Weekend Warm-up: If you eat out this weekend and stay in control, give yourself a lot of credit. When you get home, don’t say to yourself, “I was so good, now I deserve to treat myself,” because you will undo all your hard work. Losing weight is the best treat!
June 12, 2019/mhayes
Wednesday Sabotage: I’m going to eat this because I really want some comfort food right now.
Response: It may be comfort now, but it won’t be comfort later when I’m feeling badly and guilty about it. Instead of overindulging, I need to find something healthy and satisfying to do that will make me feel good now AND later.
June 11, 2019/mhayes
Tuesday Reality Check: When you impulsively eat standing up, you’re telling yourself that it doesn’t really matter and that there won’t be any consequences – but there will be, because EVERY bite of food you eat has calories. Even if you’re only eating vegetables standing up today, tomorrow it might be chocolate.
June 10, 2019/mhayes
Monday Motivation: There’s probably never a “good” time to start dieting (the summer’s not a great time, but neither is the holidays, and the fall is when my kids start school, so that’s too crazy, etc. etc. etc.), so why not just start today? Think about how much better you’ll feel next Monday morning if you have a whole week of healthy eating and feeling good about yourself under your belt!
June 7, 2019/mhayes
Friday Weekend Warm-up: Losing weight does entail turning down some food some of the time, but not all food all […]
June 7, 2019/mhayes
Liz realized that a lot of the time she wasn’t planning her extra calories in advance, which ultimately meant she didn’t have as strong a plan for weekends as she did for weekdays.