Author: mhayes
August 13, 2019/mhayes
If you think, “There’s so much junk food at work right now, I just can’t resist it,” remind yourself, “It’s worth it not to eat junk food at work. I don’t want to be plagued by cravings, I don’t want to gain weight, and I don’t want to feel guilty afterwards. IF I see a treat in the office that I want, remember: I CAN have it, just not right now.
August 12, 2019/mhayes
Remember – how hard or easy dieting feels today is NOT how hard it will feel tomorrow and in the future. The more you practice your skills and the more habitual they get, the easier it becomes to keep doing them.
August 9, 2019/mhayes
Friday Weekend Warm-up: You will likely have lots of opportunities to strengthen your resistance muscle (and simultaneously weaken your giving-in muscle) this weekend. If you think, “It’s okay to give in because just this one time won’t matter,” remind yourself that EVERY time matters, because every time you’re strengthening one of those two muscles.
August 9, 2019/mhayes
Lori told me that two nights ago she had a big work dinner and she was still feeling proud of how well she stuck to her plan. It was at a Mediterranean restaurant, and like all her work dinners, it included a lot of food.
August 8, 2019/mhayes
Think Thin Thursday Tip: We always want to remind you that it’s okay to get rid of leftovers! If you have highly tempting food in your house, either make a plan for when and how much you’ll have, and/or make a plan to get it out of the house so that it doesn’t tempt you and tax your resistance muscle.
August 7, 2019/mhayes
Wednesday Sabotage: I don’t want to stick to my restaurant plan right now; I’m too hungry.
Response: Even if I think I’m really hungry and won’t be satisfied, that’s not true! I’m always satisfied when I leave a restaurant.
August 6, 2019/mhayes
Tuesday Reality Check: Remember that you can’t take in extra calories at every summer event and still maintain your weight (let alone lose weight). Remind yourself that there’s a huge difference between eating no treats you want and eating every one you want. Work on finding the middle ground.
August 5, 2019/mhayes
Monday Motivation: If you had the thought today, “I can’t believe how much I overate this weekend. That was so bad,” remind yourself that you can’t change what you ate in the past, only what you eat from this point forward. Instead of ruminating on past mistakes, focus on making today a great day!
August 2, 2019/mhayes
It takes less willpower to stick to an eating decision that you’ve made ahead of time than it does to try to use willpower in the moment to make a good decision.
August 1, 2019/mhayes
When dieters are all-or-nothing about being on a diet – believing they are either totally perfect on their diet or totally off of it – it makes it much more likely that one mistake will spiral into more.