Author: mhayes
September 20, 2019/mhayes
Friday Weekend Warm-up: While “going with the flow” might be a great attitude to have toward many things in life, […]
September 19, 2019/mhayes
Think Thin Thursday Tip: A great skill to work on is not taking seconds. If you’ve portioned yourself a reasonable amount the first time, you don’t need it.
September 18, 2019/mhayes
Wednesday: I don’t like that I can’t eat without consequences, but I can’t change that fact (not if I want to lose weight and keep it off).
September 18, 2019/mhayes
Dieters get into “off-track mode” when they get off track, the scale has gone up, and they believe they are helpless in the face of their weight problem.
September 17, 2019/mhayes
Tuesday: If you’re tracking something (calories, points, carbs, etc.), it’s really important to track AS YOU EAT, not at the end of the day.
September 16, 2019/mhayes
Monday: Initially, dieters may feel a sense of unfairness about what they’re not eating. However, along the way they learn new skills and feel in control.
September 13, 2019/mhayes
Friday: Dieters are prone to grazing on the weekend. You’re always better off sitting down with a defined snack and eating it mindfully.
September 12, 2019/mhayes
Thursday: Eliminate the words, “I’ve blown it for the day,” from your vocabulary. Telling yourself that just gives you an excuse to continue overeating.
September 11, 2019/mhayes
I can’t believe I gave in to that craving. I can’t do this. I should give up. Response: Learning to lose weight and keep it off is a process and takes time.
September 10, 2019/mhayes
If you’re following a diet plan that has “free” foods on it, remember that all food has calories and if you eat too much, you won’t be able to lose weight.