Author: mhayes
October 18, 2019/mhayes
Halloween is just around the corner! It’s important to start thinking about what plans and Response Cards you need to navigate it successfully!
October 18, 2019/mhayes
Friday Weekend Warm-up: If you’re eating out at restaurants, decide in advance what you’re going to have and then don’t even look at the menu when you get to the restaurant! Remind yourself, “I’ve already decided what to order so I don’t even need to look at the menu or consider what else I might want. The decision has been made, and sticking to this decision will make me feel so much better. It’s worth it.”
October 17, 2019/mhayes
Think Thin Thursday Tip: Staying on track, while it can feel difficult, is actually a stress-reducer overall because it makes you feel proud and in control.
October 16, 2019/mhayes
Wednesday Sabotage: Negative emotions are uncomfortable but not dangerous. I don’t have to “fix” them. I’ve had times where I was upset but haven’t eaten.
October 15, 2019/mhayes
Tuesday Reality Check: If you make a dieting mistake and start to catastrophize, ask yourself, “What would I say to my best friend if she told me about a mistake she made?” Chances are you’d be more compassionate to a friend than you would be to yourself. In dieting, you’ll make many, many mistakes. It’s important to be compassionate to yourself so that you’re able to learn from them and move on.
October 11, 2019/mhayes
If you encounter food pushers this weekend, remember it’s not their job to stop pushing food on you; that’s what they do. It IS your job to say no!
October 10, 2019/mhayes
The number on the scale is just INFORMATION about whether what you’re doing is working. It says nothing about who you are as a person.
October 9, 2019/mhayes
I don’t want to stick to my restaurant plan right now; I’m too hungry. Response: Even if I think I’m really hungry and won’t be satisfied, that’s not true!
October 8, 2019/mhayes
It’s not always reasonable in every situation to lose weight, or even to maintain. If the scale goes up, it means it wasn’t reasonable not to gain a little.
October 7, 2019/mhayes
If you’ve been off track, take some time to reflect on just how good being on track and in control feels. It’s worth it and you can do it!