We recently received the following letter from Mary, a dieter using The Beck Diet Solution program. Like many dieters, she went through the program more than once and in doing so was fully able to absorb all of the different ideas, techniques, and skills. Also, like many dieters, Mary found that there were one or two particular concepts and responses that were particularly resonant and helpful to her, which she then successfully applied to both dieting and her life in general. We certainly found Mary’s letter inspiring and we hope you do as well. Way to go, Mary, and thank you so much for the letter!

Dear Dr. Beck:

I am using the Beck Diet Solution for the second time and I want to share the idea that has most changed my thinking and attitude. It’s the idea of “Oh well”. I practiced it the first time around but, for whatever reason, it didn’t sink in. It has now. There may be many ways of interpreting this idea but this is how it worked for me.

I think about my diet, my food plan, what I ate yesterday, what I didn’t eat yesterday, what I overate yesterday, what I’ll eat today, tomorrow, forever…etc. etc. ALL THE TIME! I have been doing it for years. Whether I am dieting or not, I constantly think about my weight and what I eat. It’s not as if I’m giving my brain a break when I am not on a diet…..I think about all this stuff anyway. And when I’m not watching my diet, I feel pretty disappointed in myself.

I finally got it through my head that if I am going to think about all of this anyway, every day, whether I am dieting or not, I have a choice. I can either think about it and be disappointed or think about it and be satisfied. Sheesh!!….I might as well feel satisfied. I finally faced the fact that I will be thinking about what I eat every day for the rest of my life and this is what I have to do in order to maintain my weight loss. Oh well.

I created a Response Card and read it daily. I just wanted you to know how much it has helped me, along with the many other valuable ideas in your book.

Thank you,
Mary O