December 7, 2011 – Wednesday Sabotage

December 7, 2011/beckadmin

Sabotaging Thought: I’m really stressed out, I need to eat! Response: I may WANT to eat, but I don’t NEED […]

December 6, 2011 – Tuesday Reality Check

December 6, 2011/beckadmin

When dieters say, “I just can’t stick to a diet, I have no discipline,” we remind them that they actually […]

December 5, 2011 – Monday Motivation

December 5, 2011/beckadmin

Over and over again we hear from dieters how gaining control of their eating has positively impacted their lives in […]

December 2, 2011 – Friday Weekend Warm-up

December 2, 2011/beckadmin

Don’t wait until New Year’s to start working on healthy eating resolutions. Start THIS MINUTE and come January 1st you […]

December 1, 2011 – Think Thin Thursday Tip

December 1, 2011/beckadmin

Remember, dieting is not all-or-nothing. You are not either 100% perfect on your diet or totally off of it. You […]

November 30, 2011 – Wednesday Sabotage

November 30, 2011/beckadmin

Sabotaging Thought: I feel discouraged because my rate of weight loss is slow. Response: When has losing weight quickly EVER […]

November 29, 2011 – Tuesday Reality Check

November 29, 2011/beckadmin

A very common sabotaging thought is, “Just this one time won’t matter,” but regardless of the situation, every time DOES […]

November 28, 2011 – Monday Motivation

November 28, 2011/beckadmin

Sometimes when dieters have been eating off track, they actually forget how GREAT it feels to be in control of […]

November 25, 2011 – Friday Weekend Warm-up

November 25, 2011/beckadmin

How did everyone fare yesterday? If you stayed in control – GREAT! Give yourself lots and lots of credit and […]

November 24, 2011 – Think Thin Thursday Tip

November 24, 2011/beckadmin

Happy Thanksgiving! Remember, today is ultimately a day for giving thanks for the blessings in your life. What food you […]