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diet blog

Leave the Struggle at the Store

A big way COVID-19 has changed many people’s lives is that they are grocery shopping far less often than they […]

Working from Home

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been talking to most of my clients about how to manage their eating now […]

Tuesday Reality Check – April 21, 2020

Tuesday Reality Check: Remember, avoiding the scale has never gotten you to where you want to be. It’s important to […]

Don’t Push the Lazy Domino!

As I help my clients navigate this unsettling time, one major topic of discussion has been helping people learn to […]

Why It Matters

I’ve had many sessions with clients over the past two weeks who are understandably very uneasy, scared, and thrown off […]

The Number on the Scale

In a follow up to my previous blog post, I’d like to return to my client, Jessica, who got off […]

I’m Doing It

My client, Jessica, got off track during the holidays (which is far too easy to do!). When I met with […]

Tuesday Reality Check – February 4, 2020

Tuesday Reality Check: Even if you don’t always have control over what food is served to you (like when you’re […]

Other Sources of Pleasure

This week I had a session with my client, Sarah. Like many dieters, Sarah has been having a lot of […]

Not Every Day Can Be Thanksgiving

I recently had a session with my client, Mark, who has lost twenty pounds and would like to lose more. […]