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Tag Archives:

beck diet

Monday Motivation – December 21, 2020

Monday Motivation: If you’ve received gifted holiday food and feel guilty about not eating it, remember that not eating it […]

Friday Weekend Warm-up – December 18, 2020

Friday Weekend Warm-up: Make sure you eat regular meals this weekend. Don’t allow yourself to just graze throughout the day. […]

Thursday Think Tip – December 17, 2020

Thursday Think Tip: Make sure you plan to have your favorite foods this holiday season, but decide in advance when […]

Wednesday Sabotage – December 16, 2020

Wednesday Sabotage: I don’t want to have to work on healthy eating during the holidays. Response: It’s true that I […]

Tuesday Reality Check – December 15, 2020

Tuesday Reality Check: Remember – unfortunately, your body doesn’t know or care what you don’t eat. It only knows what […]

Monday Motivation – December 14, 2020

Monday Motivation: While many of us are working from home these days and don’t have office kitchen treats tempting us, […]

Friday Weekend Warm-up – December 11, 2020

Friday Weekend Warm-up: This weekend, if you think, “It’s not fair that I can’t eat like everyone else,” remind yourself, […]

The Holidays

While some aspects of the holiday season are easier to manage this year (no office kitchens stocked to the brim […]

Thursday Think Tip – December 10, 2020

Thursday Think Tip: Are you drinking enough water? This is important year-round. Consider setting a water goal for yourself, like […]

Wednesday Sabotage – December 9, 2020

Wednesday Sabotage: I just don’t care. Response: While it’s true that I don’t care right at this moment, I’m going […]