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Tag Archives:

beck diet

Wednesday Sabotage – February 24, 2021

Wednesday Sabotage: I always forget to drink enough water during the day. Response: I need to set up a reminder […]

Tuesday Reality Check – February 23, 2021

Tuesday Reality Check: When you’re eating dinner, keep the serving dishes off the table! Having more food immediately available greatly […]

Monday Motivation – February 22, 2021

Monday Motivation: Whenever you have an experience where you stayed in control of your eating and felt really good about […]

Friday Weekend Warm-up – February 19, 2021

Friday Weekend Warm-up: This weekend, focus on good sleep hygiene. Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things […]

Thursday Think Tip – February 18, 2021

Thursday Think Tip: Negative emotions are a part of life. They’re not bad; they’re a part of being human. Often […]

Wednesday Sabotage – February 17, 2021

Wednesday Sabotage: I start out counting calories but always end up petering out by the end of the day. Response: […]

Tuesday Reality Check – February 16, 2021

Tuesday Reality Check: Eating too little during the day and too much at night go hand in hand. Not only […]

Monday Motivation – February 15, 2021

Monday Motivation: What are some of the advantages of staying in control of your eating? Some of the biggest ones […]

Friday Weekend Warm-up – February 12, 2021

Friday Weekend Warm-up: Your calorie budget per day is just like any other budget. If you spend more in one […]

Let It Slide?

My client Tara helps run conferences (which are currently all virtual), and she is in the thick of a busy […]