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Tag Archives:

beck diet

The Scale

This morning, I had a session with my client Rob, who has been having a hard time with the scale. […]

Wednesday Sabotage – November 11, 2020

Wednesday Sabotage: Losing weight shouldn’t be this hard.   Response: Losing weight is supposed to get hard from time to time. […]

Tuesday Reality Check – November 10, 2020

Tuesday Reality Check: You don’t cure emotional eating by removing all comfort foods. You do it by learning to comfort […]

Monday Motivation – November 9, 2020

Monday Motivation: Staying on track, while it can feel very difficult in the moment, is actually a stress-reducer overall because […]

Friday Weekend Warm-up – November 6, 2020

Friday Weekend Warm-up: How is eating sitting down, slowly, and mindfully going? If you’ve lost sight of those healthy habits, […]

Thursday Think Tip – November 5, 2020

Thursday Think Tip: You can’t control your brain from producing sabotaging thoughts. It isn’t about not having them at all, […]

Wednesday Sabotage – November 4, 2020

Wednesday Sabotage: I can’t get rid of all the leftover Halloween candy; that’s not fair to my kids.  Response: Do […]

Tuesday Reality Check – November 3, 2020

Tuesday Reality Check: If healthy eating feels really painful to you, you may be giving food a bigger role than […]

Monday Motivation – November 2, 2020

Monday Motivation: What’s the candy situation in your house right now? Too much? If you think, “I can’t get rid […]

Halloween 2020 Do’s and Don’ts

While this year’s Halloween will undoubtedly be different from years past, one thing remains the same: Halloween treats everywhere you […]