Is CBT Treatment Right for Me?
Cognitive Behavior Therapy is based on the theory that the way we perceive situations influences how we feel emotionally. For example, one person reading this website might think, “Wow! This sounds good, it’s just what I’ve always been looking for!” and feels happy. Another person reading this information might think, “Well, this sounds good, but I don’t think I can do it.” This person feels sad and discouraged.
So, it is not a situation that directly affects how people feel emotionally, but rather, their thoughts in that situation. When people are in distress, their perspective is often inaccurate and their thoughts may be unrealistic.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy can help you identify distressing thoughts and evaluate how realistic the thoughts are. When you can think more realistically, you may find you feel better emotionally.
Many people notice a decrease in their symptoms within a few weeks of starting treatment, or even sooner, if they have been regularly attending sessions and doing the suggested action plans between sessions on a daily basis.
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If You Are Undecided About Therapy
You may have questions or reservations about starting Cognitive Behavior Therapy. This article by Dr. Judith Beck can help inform your decision.