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diet blog

Evening Treats

In session this week, my client Lisa told me she was struggling in the evenings. While she found it fairly […]

Start Now!

Most of us seem to be in the no-man’s land between the winter holidays and the New Year. If your […]

The Holidays

While some aspects of the holiday season are easier to manage this year (no office kitchens stocked to the brim […]

Eating Pizza

I’ve been working with my client Emily for a few months now. In session last week, she told me about […]

The Scale

This morning, I had a session with my client Rob, who has been having a hard time with the scale. […]

Friday Weekend Warm-up – November 6, 2020

Friday Weekend Warm-up: How is eating sitting down, slowly, and mindfully going? If you’ve lost sight of those healthy habits, […]

Halloween 2020 Do’s and Don’ts

While this year’s Halloween will undoubtedly be different from years past, one thing remains the same: Halloween treats everywhere you […]

What I Want

In session this week, my client Michael told me that in the evenings he keeps having the nagging thought, “Maybe […]


I’ve been working with my client Jeremy for about six months. While it took him a few weeks to learn […]

Trick, Not Treat

This week, my client Julie told me that she had gotten a little off track the previous night and had […]