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In Session with Debbie: Slipping

This week I had a session with my dieter, Rachel, whom I previously hadn’t seen in about eight months because […]

In Session with Deborah: Valentine’s Day Candy Success

In session this week my dieter, Amy, told me about a major triumph she had during a long and stressful work meeting […]

5 Strategies to Get Through Hard Times

In our work with dieters, one of the first things we let them know is this: When they start out, […]

Instituting Exercise – Part II

I asked Jamie to think about the week to come and what sabotaging thoughts she might have that would get […]

Angry Eating

When Jamie came in my office this week, she reported feeling disappointed.  Jamie thought she had kicked her emotional eating […]

Eating with Distractions

Since getting back on track, one of the hardest things for Jamie has been to try to eat things without […]

Ice Cream and Regrets

Jamie came into session today and reported that she had a significant experience over the weekend at an ice cream […]

Out to Dinner

Jamie came into session today and told me about a great experience she had with eating out the night before.  […]

Amy’s Business Trip

Amy came in this week feeling quite defeated. Although she had previously been doing quite well with making food plans and sticking to them, she had been on a business trip earlier this week and hadn’t been able to write down her food. She viewed the trip as a complete “failure,” which left her feeling demoralized and unmotivated.

Making Friends With Food– An article in SHAPE Magazine

In the October 2009 issue of SHAPE magazine (see p. 70), a dieter tells readers how Dr. Judith Beck (and “The Beck Diet Solution) is helping her develop strategies to target her emotional eating . . .