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Treat Tank

My client, Jennie, has been having a hard time when it comes to not overdoing dessert lately. She’s had a […]

Supermarket Strategy

A question to ask when you’re considering buying a specialty item is “Where does this food fit into my meal plan for the week?”

Breaking the All-Or-Nothing Cycle

We can’t artificially manufacture not craving dessert but we can plan for how much dessert we’re going to have and use strategies to stick to our plan.

Our Brains Get It Wrong

Why is it so difficult for us to achieve our health goals? One reason is that our brains get it wrong.

The Venn Diagram of Food Decisions

One of the concepts I talk about with all of my clients is using a Venn Diagram (i.e. two overlapping […]


Our Fall Weight Management webinar series is coming up in November! Join us for this engaging live six-part series and […]

Fostering Healthier Relationships with CBT

By Sue Schonberg, PhD, ABPP Romantic relationships can be complex for many reasons. Someone married for 20 years may believe […]

How to Find the Right CBT Therapist for You

By Judith S. Beck, PhD You may be surprised to learn that anyone can call themselves a “cognitive behavior therapist,”—yes, […]

Beck Institute’s Panel Discussion on Youth Mental Health

On October 29, 2022, Beck Institute welcomed registrants from 109 countries to an important panel discussion on the youth mental […]

Seven Steps to Better Anger Management

By Norman Cotterell, PhD Anger is built on expectations. We expect people to treat us fairly and they don’t.  We […]