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Tag Archives:

beck diet

Friday Weekend Warm-up – January 1, 2021

Friday Weekend Warm-up: Happy New Year’s Day! This weekend, start the year off right. Instead of thinking about what you […]

Thursday Think Tip – December 31, 2020

Thursday Think Tip: If you’re making a goal to lose weight in 2021, get on the scale! See where you’re […]

Wednesday Sabotage – December 30, 2020

Wednesday Sabotage: I’m in that weird zone between Christmas and New Years when everything feels a bit off, so I’m […]

Tuesday Reality Check – December 29, 2020

Tuesday Reality Check: We want to remind you after a holiday that it’s okay to get rid of leftovers! If […]

Monday Motivation – December 28, 2020

Monday Motivation: While staying in control of your eating is harder during the holidays, the good news is that when […]

Friday Weekend Warm-up – December 25, 2020

Friday Weekend Warm-up: Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! We hope you have a day planned with fun things and […]

Start Now!

Most of us seem to be in the no-man’s land between the winter holidays and the New Year. If your […]

Thursday Think Tip – December 24, 2020

Thursday Think Tip: This whole week, keep in mind: “I won’t regret the extra food I don’t eat, but I […]

Wednesday Sabotage – December 23, 2020

Wednesday Sabotage: I’m off track anyway. I’ll just worry about my eating once the new year hits. Response: Don’t wait! Every […]

Tuesday Reality Check – December 22, 2020

Tuesday Reality Check: If you’re going to be preparing holiday food this week, make sure you don’t fall into the […]