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Tag Archives:

beck diet

Friday Weekend Warm-up – January 15, 2021

Friday Weekend Warm-up: If you get off track at any point this weekend, IMMEDIATELY RECOVER! You’ll be so proud of […]

Evening Treats

In session this week, my client Lisa told me she was struggling in the evenings. While she found it fairly […]

Thursday Think Tip – January 14, 2021

Thursday Think Tip: Are you reading your Advantages List and Response Cards? If you’ve let those things drop off, restart […]

Tuesday Reality Check – January 12, 2021

Tuesday Reality Check: It’s important to remember that you need to make eating decisions based on what works for you, […]

Monday Motivation – January 11, 2021

Monday Motivation: Make a commitment this week to focus on the things you’re doing well, NOT the mistakes you may […]

Friday Weekend Warm-up – January 8, 2021

Friday Weekend Warm-up: It’s much easier to stay in control when you maintain some type of eating schedule, even during […]

Thursday Think Tip – January 7, 2021

Thursday Think Tip: Did you get off track with things like drinking water, meditation, or meal planning during the busy […]

Wednesday Sabotage – January 6, 2021

Wednesday Sabotage: I’m just not an exerciser. Response: Just because I haven’t been able to institute a consistent exercise routine […]

Tuesday Reality Check – January 5, 2021

Tuesday Reality Check: We know 2020 was a weird and often hard year. We can’t know what 2021 brings because […]

Monday Motivation – January 4, 2021

Monday Motivation: If you think, “I can’t believe how much I overate this weekend,” remind yourself: “I can’t change what […]