I am a Cognitive Behavioral psychologist licensed in NJ and PA and the founder and director of Cognitive Therapy & Consultation LLC, a group practice located in Summit NJ where we specialize in the delivery of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. I started the independent practice in 2007 after working in a multidisciplinary behavioral health practice in Summit, to offer NJ residents the option of a specialized CBT practice staffed by psychologists. In addition to this, I am a faculty member at Beck Institute.
I believe it’s essential to thoughtfully address each client’s issues, keeping in mind the interplay of long-standing core beliefs, automatic thoughts and current behaviors. Key to maximizing beneficial outcomes is identifying client specific goals coupled with ongoing client collaboration, empathy and understanding.

Currently I offer telehealth service and hope to resume in person service when conditions permit. My clients are both heterosexual and gay, male and female, individuals and couples, spanning an age range from 8 years of age to 95. Clients elect to see me for many reasons ranging from common problems dealing with stress caused by work, family issues, relationships, life events, and or health concerns. Having worked as a psychologist for Dupont, I have a keen appreciation for work stressors including fear of layoffs, conflicts with co-workers and balancing work and home life. Depression (stemming from loss or organic causes) is also a condition for which clients seek my help. Additionally, many of my current clients experience Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as well as various types of phobias.
My practice includes working with individuals who are facing various medical conditions and often involves collaborating with their medical practitioners. Patients recently diagnosed with breast cancer, those recovering from post-concussion syndrome or vestibular disorders have benefited significantly from CBT. Treating health anxiety is also a major area of my interest, and has become particularly relevant in the pandemic atmosphere. The ability to treat OCD and the lesser known related conditions such as Misophonia and Body Focused Repetitive Disorders has been extremely rewarding. My training in CBTi (CBT for insomnia) has proven invaluable in my work with clients, given the current prominence of this problem.
Training at the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy and at the Behavior Therapy Institute (through the International OCD Foundation), has been instrumental in solidifying my understanding and implementation of CBT. Becoming a Beck Institute Certified Clinician has been the culmination of these experiences. As a certified Trainer and Diplomate of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, I also provide teaching and supervision to both novice and more experienced therapists as well as physicians in the implementation of CBT. Supervising allows me the opportunity to pass on knowledge to a new generation of practitioners as well as those seeking to further develop their skills. Recently I delivered an internationally attended webinar on CBT for Prolonged Grief. The ability to deliver CBT-specific webinars to international audiences addresses the need and demand for this knowledge.
I believe that learning and refining skills should be an ongoing process. As such, I frequently attend internationally sponsored CBT conferences to learn new cutting edge practices and methods in the field as well as to experience varying cultural perspectives.
Fundamental to a successful therapeutic experience is not viewing someone as a diagnosis, but rather understanding the uniqueness of the individual, fostering a relationship based on trust and tailoring interventions which hold the most promise for success. I welcome the opportunity to consult with you as a prospective client.
Areas of Focus:
- Health Anxiety
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- OCD & Related Conditions
- Medical Issues
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Grief
- Children
- Adolescents
- College Students
- Adults