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weight loss blog

Beat the TV Snacking Habit

In a recent session, my client, Brie, shared with me that she’s been having a difficult time controlling her snacking […]

Treat Tank

My client, Jennie, has been having a hard time when it comes to not overdoing dessert lately. She’s had a […]

Supermarket Strategy

A question to ask when you’re considering buying a specialty item is “Where does this food fit into my meal plan for the week?”

Breaking the All-Or-Nothing Cycle

We can’t artificially manufacture not craving dessert but we can plan for how much dessert we’re going to have and use strategies to stick to our plan.

Honeymoon Phase Eating

When I first started working with my client Jeff, he was feeling somewhat out of control of his eating. He […]

Shoulds and Shouldn’ts

One of the most important skills we work on with all our clients is giving themselves credit. Every time a […]

Hot Brain vs. Cool Brain

My client Jess has been having trouble sticking to her weekend food plans. She’s doing great staying on track when […]

Doing Your “Best”

There’s Still Time to Join Us in Our Advanced CBT Strategies for Weight Management Webinar Series! Registration for our first […]

Off-Track Mentality

A few months ago, my client Jess was struggling. She had a sick family member, a stressful work period, and […]

Busy Work Period Blueprint

When I first started working with my client Jeff, he was in a period of struggle. He had fallen into […]